
Showing posts from March, 2022

6 Smart Ways To Practice An Effective Workout At Home

  Are you also one of those people who feel lazy when it comes to practicing a daily workout? Do not worry, we too are! We all know how busy life has become, you have to do office work simultaneously look after the home and family. Despite all the fact that no matter how much you work, health is the precious thing you can’t overlook. One should never find excuses for skipping their workout just because they have a workload. Some people do work from home and also perform yoga/exercise every day. Suppose you do not have a sitting desk job except the daily house chores. In that case, you can too keep yourself busy and active by involving in several daily activities. Most people are still unaware that working out helps keep them away from toxic thoughts, anxiety, and depression. Just like a sound sleep makes you stay healthy, your workout routine does the same. You might make an effort to organize your bedding by getting quality duvet covers or medicated mattresses to ensure that you sleep

How Meditation and Yoga Beat Stress

  Simply put, stress knocks your body out of homeostasis and puts your body in survival mode. Regardless of what the cause of stress may be, to our biology, stress means imminent danger. Due to this, our body will prioritize all things related to short-term survival and deprioritize all things related to long-term health and well-being. When you are under attack, processes such as digestion and abstract thinking take a back seat to processes that give us the best chances to successfully “fight or flight,” such as releasing adrenaline and diverting blood flow to muscles. When this short-term prioritization takes place day after day, year after year, it does to our body what slamming on the breaks does to a car.  Degradation is inevitable. Chronic stress is a contributing factor to many of the illnesses that plague our modern society. High blood pressure, heart attacks, ulcers, obesity, anxiety, depression, burnout, fatigue, physical tension, and weakened immune systems, which make us su

Sweat Together, Stay Together: How To Exercise As A Couple

  We all know that engaging in some physical activities such as going to the gym, jogging, cycling, or taking a Zumba, yoga, and pilates class have plenty of physical and mental health benefits. Moreover, working out regularly with your better half has plenty of advantages in your romantic relationship as well. To start exercising together with your partner all you need is a strong will, motivation, a certain level of understanding, and an exercise plan. Even though you and your partner might prefer different kinds of workouts, you should compromise and try to find a solution that will work out for both of you. After all, workout time should be about strengthening your body, being active, having fun, and spending time with your partner. Exactly because of this, there are many reasons why couples who sweat together, stay together. Different activities you can do as a couple Some of the ways for couples to exercise together include regular, everyday activities such as going to the gym, f

Getting a Good Night’s Sleep: No longer a Distant Dream

  Sleeping is an important activity we all do every day. In fact, we spend nearly a third of our lives sleeping or attempting to do so. We do know that our body and mind reset themselves after a restful night. Yet, science is still to prove why sleep is so vital to every living being. There are numerous studies on the consequences of inadequate sleep on our physical and mental health. What we are about to tackle here, though, is about developing good  sleep hygiene  practices. What is sleep hygiene? We all have had those nights when we are staring at the ceiling at 2 AM trying to catch those elusive z’s. It is completely all right to experience this once in a while. But, when such nights become the norm, it is essential to start taking care of one’s sleep hygiene. So, what exactly is it? “ Sleep hygiene is nothing but a set of habits and routines we set for ourselves to get the best quality sleep every night .” Thus, the most important thing is to put yourself in the best position cons

Combat Menstrual Cramps Naturally: With Self-massage, Yoga, and Raspberry leaf Tea

  Menstrual cramps are caused by contractions in the uterus. These contractions are how the uterine lining is expelled during menstruation. These uncomfortable bouts can be alleviated with simple self-care techniques. Self-Massage Gently massaging the area between the pubic bone and the belly button will assist the contractions in the uterus to encourage menstrual flow. This soothing technique encourages what the body is already in the process of while offering a moment to nurture oneself. To begin, find a comfortable position lying supine (flat on one’s back) with the abdomen exposed. Start the self-massage with both hands on the lower abdomen and gently press; the wheel of your palm near the hip points while the fingertips are towards the center. These compressions will give an idea of tenderness so that further massage can be at the pressure which is most comfortable. Then using the pointer, middle, and ring finger, glide from the pubic bone to the belly button, starting from the ce