
Showing posts from August, 2022

5 Tips for Dealing with Anxiety  defines anxiety as “ distress or uneasiness of mind caused by fear of danger or misfortune .” That uneasiness, tension, eagerness, apprehension, fear, and other emotions you feel when you’re anxious is very draining and taxing on a person both physically and mentally.  Physically? Yes, anxiety can have a physical effect on the body. We always hear about the mental/clinical side of anxiety, but sometimes we tend to overlook the physical aspects of it. There may have been times that you have been or felt anxious, exhibited a physical response to that anxiety, but didn’t know it was anxiety because you probably didn’t know anxiety could cause something like that.  How can anxiety be physically taxing on the human body? Having anxiety, or being very anxious, can create physical effects such as a stomachache, nausea, insomnia, fatigue, shortness of breath, headaches, sweating, trembles, and the list goes on. From a very young age in elementary school, I remember getting bu

How Do I Get Rid of this “Ego” Thing

  Ego Gymnastics For us “sensitive types,” who spend a great deal of time feeling emotions, the idea of enlightenment is alluring as a quiet place to be. We’re often told that the problem is our “ego,” the part of us that’s narrow-mindedly focused on our own survival, advancement, and pleasure. If the Ego is the cause of suffering, then it makes sense to ask, “ How do I get rid of this thing ?” Many spiritual paths, especially ones evolving from Taoist, Buddhist, or Hindu traditions, emphasize destroying the illusion of separateness between self and world. In Western culture, with its emphasis on individualism, wealth, and expediency, the idea of dissolving the Ego is becoming more popular. There is a growing market for those who want success but not the suffering that seems to accompany it. The business world has stumbled upon an apparent loophole that aligns enlightenment with success. The idea is that the Ego is actually what impedes success, just as it has been known for thousands

How to Become a Champion of Focus

  You were running [the race] well; who has interfered and prevented you from obeying the truth? Gal 5:7 We can all agree that life is full of distractions. We go to bed and wake up with one every day, and it’s not your spouse, but your cell phone. Our sleep is interrupted by vibrations on our nightstands and subtle bells beeping with notifications from about 20 different apps.  Apart from technology, are you able to recognize the people in your life that are influencing your attention?   I ask this because I’m aware that we get lost in our relationships. Things we once considered intolerable now become your normal. It’s like walking into a bathroom and noticing an odor only to not recognize it after you’ve been there for an extended period of time. Our senses are always readily alert to guard us against things that can harm us. It’s likely that we have been in a place way longer than originally expected. We have become desensitized to its harmful effects. One of the greatest influence

How to Turn Negative Thoughts Into Positive Action

  Negative thoughts can deter you from your goals, keep you from chasing your dreams, and leave you feeling down about yourself and your life. They can be the difference between a good day and a bad, a positive experience, and yet another terrible event. And for many, they are almost impossible to run from. Negative thoughts can be detrimental to your mental health and even lead to low self-esteem and possibly even depression. For those who constantly have negative thoughts or even those who have them on occasion, it’s important to do what you can to fight them off. You need to fight the urge to succumb to your negative thoughts and continue to look on the bright side. But this can be easier said than done, especially when things seem like they’re bad. You need to do what you can to stay positive, and, luckily for you; there are some things you can do to turn those negative thoughts into positive action now. Here are some tips: 1. Start Using These Self-Care Practices There are some gr

How to Nurture Self Love: 10 Tips You Should Know

  “Each of us needs to show how much we care for each other and care for ourselves in the process.” – Diana, Princess of Wales We all love to be loved. We want to feel valued and experience the wonderful benefits this world can offer. However, there are times we may feel that there is a heavy burden on our shoulders. There are moments when we face the mirror, and we seem not to like the reflection we see. During the times we fail, we often get frustrated with ourselves. We become disappointed with what we achieved and even compared what we’ve got to the success of others. This is when we become weaker as we welcome negative thoughts. We then hate ourselves without even thinking that it will affect us adversely. To avoid all these, we should learn how to nurture self-love and become a better version of ourselves each day. Practicing self-love doesn’t need to be challenging and extravagant. It does not demand any complicated inclusion of rules and regulations from other people. You do no