Cycle Syncing is the Way Forward: Tune in Exercises With Your Menstruation Cycle For Better Performance
Do you enjoy living an active life? Exercising every day has a lot of benefits for the mind and body. But as a woman, you might have been struggling with exercising during certain weeks — especially the days surrounding your menstruation cycle. By understanding your period cycle, you can improve your performance and manage stress. There are a lot of ways you can get leverage out of the hormonal benefits during menstruation. Crying a minute ago, feeling like eating a cake, wanting to exercise, but cramps are stopping you- hormonal changes throughout the menstruation cycle affect your day-to-day activities. Period cramps, bloating, and nausea can even make it difficult for you to get out of bed. Knowing the concept of cycle syncing is very important if you want to improve your lifestyle and maximize fitness. What is Cycle Syncing? Cycle syncing is the process of aligning your everyday activities with the phases of your monthly menstrual cycle. By practicing this, you can give your ...