
Here’s Are 8 Ways You Can Start a Wedding Favor Business

  Do you enjoy doing arts and crafts in your spare time? We’re happy to inform you that this relaxing hobby holds the potential to become a successful business. Now more than ever, people are seeking handmade products for personal use as well as gifting purposes. Today’s brides and grooms are looking for personalized wedding favors instead of handing out thoughtless mass-produced gifts. They want the party favors to reflect their personality and wedding theme. You can consider starting your own wedding favor business. Since people are getting married all year round, selling personalized wedding favors is a profitable idea. In this post, we are sharing an expert’s guide to launching an online business. Take a look. 1. Conduct Market Research Market research is an important first step for starting any business, no matter the industry. Right from learning about the number of weddings in your area to the competition, go above and beyond to create a well-researched business plan. A business

How Did I Instill the Habit of Reading in my Daughter

  I remember once; I had tears in my eyes because a friend picked a book during library time at school that I’d seen first and was waiting my turn to get it. Though not her fault, feeling guilty, she promptly handed it to me! I was very fond of reading fiction novels as a child; later, I found my book world expand horizons into non-fiction, history, business, classics, and so on. Even now, when I happen to lay my hands on a book I wanted for a long time, the thrill of it makes me a kid again. I wished that my daughter would have the same love for reading. I thought she’d be deprived of something joyful if she gets lost in this maze of digital screens around her. She’ll turn 11 soon and is an avid reader, something I am happy and take pride in as it took some effort from my end. How did I turn my kid towards reading? Sharing few tips from my journey. a. Start early I began reading aloud to her since she was two. At that age, kids are accepting and enthusiastic about doing an activity to

9 Effective Tips to Deal with Teen Rebellion

  At what age do kids stop being so sweet? Most parents completely understand that children are growing to become responsible adults, but they don’t understand how they become rebellious teens. Kids today seem very entitled, meaning; you owe them because you gave them life. Before you lose your sanity, it is important to understand the messaging behind the rebellion. Teens are Not Monsters, They’re Developing Adults Remember that you’re only the best parent when your teen gets what they want, or they become parents someday. The in-between those periods is what you are going to need to understand to help you map out some behavioral techniques to get your authority back. Early adolescents mean that mom and dad aren’t always right. In fact, they really don’t know what they’re talking about. Your teen realizes that walking in the street without looking both ways doesn’t mean they will get hit by a car. What it does mean is that mom and dad doesn’t always give the right answers. They test t

15 Foods to Eat For Better Sex Life

  Studies have shown that healthy eating has several benefits, from maintaining weight to keeping the skin glow. Furthermore, food gives us the energy to stay active throughout the day. In short, a healthy diet is a wholesome bowl of goodness. We are all aware of the benefits of healthful eating and how a bowl of fresh-cut fruits and veggies energizes our day. Additionally, keeping the immune system healthy and giving us all the essential nutrients, the diet we consume the entire day also brace us to enhance sexual performance and pleasure. After all, a good day starts under the sheets. As per research: there are several foods like Walnuts, strawberries, avocados, watermelons, and almonds, etc.. lead to great sex life. These are the libido-boosting foods that one must have to keep one sex drive happily humming. So, what are you waiting for, have these foods and drinks daily as they stimulate or support the release of sexual hormones in the body? The food and beverages which encourage s

How Procrastination Makes Time Management Ineffective

  Procrastination is the ultimate time vampire. We are all guilty of it at some point or another; (hello Netlfix, goodbye 7 hours of your life!). Some of us learn to develop greater awareness of our procrastination habits. For many others, however, procrastination is killing their productivity and, in turn, makes their overall time management wildly ineffective. Below are the 5 most common side effects of Procrastination and its potential impact on not just your time management but also your life. 1. You lose your most valuable currency: Yes, you read that correctly, not the Benjamins but time. The one common denominator for us all is the 24 hours of the day that you get regardless of wealth, social class, or celebrity status. There is a reason the phrase ‘you get the same hours in the day as Beyonce’ became a thing, however annoying as it may be to hear. That reason is the level playing field we all have is time. Time is and always will be your most valuable currency, and how you spen