
How to Kill Negative Thoughts

  You are going about your business when something triggers the memory of a situation or a person. You feel some bad feelings around the tummy. You want to stop thinking about it, but it keeps coming back like a buzzing fly on a hot summer day. Sounds familiar? Negative thoughts and the resulting emotions are pretty common. However, they can become a problem if you do not identify and stop them in their tracks early enough. Left unchecked, they can be expressed through harmful actions and affect others around you.  Our first reaction to negative thoughts is the desire to kill, exterminate, squash them like most things we find repulsive in our society. Is such a thing possible when it comes to thoughts? In order to stay clear of them, we tend to busy ourselves with work or indulge ourselves with addictions such as alcohol, tobacco, or gambling. These strategies can work for a while, but they are only suppressants of thoughts that just want some TLC.  Emotions are the compass of how we a

How Interior Design Affects Mental Health

  Mental health is extremely important. But did you know that your interior design can have a direct impact on how you feel on a daily basis? It may seem surprising, but the amount of space available in your home, your furniture layout, the colors used throughout your interior design. And even whether your home is cluttered or not can all have an effect on your mental health. In this article, I will spend some time and go through in detail how different aspects of your interior design can affect your mental health, whether you are looking to make drastic alterations to your home or complete a full renovation. Alternatively, you may be looking to make small furniture changes to one or two rooms. Whatever your goal, there will be some tips for you to take on board within this article. So, without further ado, let’s get into it! The Space Available in your Home It has been well-founded that the amount of free space available in your home has a positive effect on your mental health and wel

How To Look Rich And Classy With Minimal Effort

  “I love your shoes,” remarked the elderly gentlemen sitting across from me in the clinic waiting room. My ‘shoe du jour’ was a black, velour, backless slide, with intricately gold swirls across the top. In the center of the one-inch, black heel ran a bold, golden stripe. Spotting them in one of the many ‘junk’ magazines that overflows my mailbox, much like a person   on ‘crack,’   I just had to have them. A steal at $14.99, they looked   way   more expensive. Full disclosure. I’ve never met a shoe that I didn’t like. So, when pondering how to look rich and classy, I start with shoes with minimal effect. To me, wearing a  cute  shoe can minimize a multitude of wardrobe sins. A  must  when it comes to shoes is they must fit well. No matter how cute a shoe is or how much you love it, nothing distracts from your appearance other than a shoe so large it flip-flops off your heels every time you take a step. Or one that pitches your feet forward, forcing your toes to  kiss  the pavement — o

How Can Coffee Improve Your Workout Session

  Coffee is the second most widely consumed drink on the planet, right after tea. Every country and region has specific ways to prepare it, but there is one thing for sure: everyone loves it. Whether it is a cup of sweet Cuban espresso, a mellow light, and fruity French latte, or a classic sour Italian espresso, coffee is one of the most frequently enjoyed beverages worldwide, and for a reason. Aside from its fantastic taste, it also has psychoactive effects, which alter one’s mind somewhat, causing alertness, increased focus, and decreased feelings of sleepiness and drowsiness. So, seeing as the fitness-lifestyle trend is on the rise, for all those positive effects, our main question is: how can coffee improve your workout session? a) It Increases Metabolism Probably the most important benefit you can get out of drinking coffee when it comes to working out has an increased metabolic rate. In most studies, a tight correlation has been found between drinking coffee (aka ingesting caffei

6 Steps To Live A Better Life

If having a standard of living is your number one goal, your quality of life may never improve. But if it’s the other way around, the quality of your life can be so much better. Do you feel like you’re always upset every single day of your life because of the same repetitive cycle that appears to be endless? Has the quality of your life reduced over time, and you don’t have the energy to live yet another day? We all get this feeling from time to time, and it’s natural. On the other hand, life doesn’t have to make you feel that way. You can certainly improve the quality of your life by doing these following tips.  1. Have Good Daily Habits It sounds not an easy thing to do for some people, but please try to have a good daily habit. A simple smile even you’re under pressure, will do. Smiling will help to deliver strong signals to your brain, which shifts your neurochemistry. Neurochemistry is the study of neurotransmitters and neurochemicals, that monitor and influence the nervous system

5 Important Benefits of Hugging

  All our emotions need validation and acceptance. Hug just gives us that. When our sky is falling, we need an arm to embrace. When it’s raining blessings, the warmth of a hug elevates it. When there seems no light, we seek light in the warmth of a hug. When failure traps you, it’s the support of a big bear hug that motivates us to keep moving. In our loneliness and company, hugs are constant. Hug-o-me! Hugs are universally reassuring. What’s so special about this action, that time and again we use it to our rescue? Is it the warm and fuzzy feeling that we get while hugging, or does it go beyond emotions?  1. Stress buster Are you stressed? Are you unable to cope up with the events unfolding in your life? Set your worries aside because hugs are your saviour.  It’s a fact that hugs are instrumental in reducing stress.  A stressed person, when hugged, feels reassured. This support in the form of touch is very encouraging. Studies show that the more the hugs more is the amount of oxytocin