How to Kill Negative Thoughts
You are going about your business when something triggers the memory of a situation or a person. You feel some bad feelings around the tummy. You want to stop thinking about it, but it keeps coming back like a buzzing fly on a hot summer day. Sounds familiar? Negative thoughts and the resulting emotions are pretty common. However, they can become a problem if you do not identify and stop them in their tracks early enough. Left unchecked, they can be expressed through harmful actions and affect others around you. Our first reaction to negative thoughts is the desire to kill, exterminate, squash them like most things we find repulsive in our society. Is such a thing possible when it comes to thoughts? In order to stay clear of them, we tend to busy ourselves with work or indulge ourselves with addictions such as alcohol, tobacco, or gambling. These strategies can work for a while, but they are only suppressants of thoughts that just want some TLC. Emotions are the compa...