
Showing posts from March, 2021

Personal Finances — Tips, Tricks, Hacks

  Managing your personal finances doesn’t have to be a burden, nor take a ton of time. image source -   Mason Miranda A. Use technology to your advantage. There are many budgeting apps, such as Mint or Simple, that can automatically update your budget when linked to your financial accounts. Use these apps to lessen the time you take to manually update your budget. Most banks, credit unions, and credit card issuers have apps that can help you track your spending, manage where your money is, and even help you limit your spending on cards. Contactless forms of payment, such as mobile and digital wallets, can help manage the security part of your personal finances. These payment methods offer improved security that can help keep your personal finances safe from scammers. B. Use credit cards responsibly and manage your debt well. Mortgages, student loans, car loans, and credit cards are major parts of personal finances that CANNOT be overlooked. Debt can have a large impact on your personal

8 Things Every Successful Entrepreneur Do In The Morning

  Where would you see yourself in the next ten years? Is your dream of being the CEO of your Empire? If yes, then scroll down, because this article will shed light on how successful entrepreneurs start their morning? What positive things entrepreneurs do to keep them fit and all-rounding the entire day? How Successful Entrepreneurs Start Their Morning? Do you know what’s common in most of the successful entrepreneurs? They understand the value of time and maintain a fixed schedule for doing things.  Small changes, bring more prominent results The business owners know – “they can’t add hours to the day, but knowing the best ways to make the most out of those hours by being more productive.” For many business founders, their most limiting resource is time.  So, if you aim to be one of like successful entrepreneurs, the following are the things you need to do every day: boost your energy and productivity level.  What Does Your Alarm Tell You Every Day?  Your bleary eyes note that your pho

Is A Portable Lifestyle Business For You

  The answer is yes if your primary goal is to create a business that allows you to earn enough money to sustain your desired lifestyle. Perhaps you’ll be able to earn a bit more or even scale it to great heights, but that’s not the primary goal. Image source-  Linda Mueller Before you start dreaming of days on the beach with your toes in the sand, you need to be confident that you can build a sustainable business primarily based on your own skills, experience, effort, network, and style. We are becoming   an increasingly transient society. According to the 2007 US Census data, the average American moves 11.7 times over the course of their life. In 2009, I left my corporate job to create a portable lifestyle business. Smart move! We ended up moving six times in 14 years, and I also had a baby along the way. I leveraged my corporate experience to begin marketing strategy consulting, and that evolved into life coaching ex-pat spouses. The flexibility and experiences my coaching business

How To Motivate And Build A Collaborative Team

  Collaboration is essentially the practice of sharing knowledge and ideas to achieve a common goal. Companies are now embracing it to leverage the experience and maximize resources in a fast-paced business world.  According to Harvard Business Review, over the past two decades, collaborative work activities have increased by fifty percent or more. That’s great if your group works well together and shares a loyalty to the company.  What if they don’t? How do you build a collaborative team? Start by focusing on the individuals. A well-run, performing team is comprised of engaged, happy people. And you can create happy employees by encouraging and supporting personal fulfillment. You may have seen Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, a theory of human motivation, in your college psychology course. Every person has five levels of human needs that determine how fulfilled he or she feels.  How is this relevant to building productive, motivated workgroups? Understanding this hierarchy can help you e

10 Ways to Promote Self-growth and Empowerment When You Are Out of Work

  To say these are trying times is an understatement, you are not alone in struggling to manage your life in a crisis. As I advocate in Best Life-ing (and try to live up to, especially right now), you can change a negative situation into a positive one. Where there is a will, there is always a way! Image source -  Julia Brodska If you are not working, you might allow yourself more “me” time or more family time. Turn the hard times into an opportunity to pursue those dreams and investigate those notions you have left simmering on the back burner. Challenge yourself in some manner. It is empowering to set a goal and then reach it.  Below are empowering activities for you to toss around and see what fits.  1. Meditation  Meditation enhances your mental, physical, and spiritual health. The way you meditate is an individual choice, so you might experiment with several techniques and figure out what works for you.  Breathing meditation, focus meditation, and mindful walking meditation might

In Conversation With Meredith Noble: Self-Made Successful Founder & Instructor

Meredith is an entrepreneur, community leader, and outdoor adventure. She is part of Geeks in the Woods, a new wave of pioneers building technology companies from remote, yet connected Valdez, Alaska. Meredith is modernizing how grant writing is taught. Her expertise has been featured in Fast Company, and her book,   How to Write a Grant: Become a Grant Writing Unicorn,   is a #1 bestseller for nonprofit fundraising and grants on Amazon. Meredith has secured over $42 million in grant funding, and her students have secured over $250 million – a number that grows daily. (I am about to really launch my personal YouTube channel with more videos targeted at women entrepreneurs – so bare with me as it isn’t much now!) Can you give me an overview of Hi there!   teaches movers and shakers how to write winning grant applications. It is an online experience to learn wherever you are, whenever you want.  Continue reading  Self-made successful Founder

How To Overcome Obstacles That Are Holding You Back

  Have you ever wondered why some people seem to not only survive but thrive during challenging times while others seem to drown in despair? These same people stick to their goals and keep pushing forward despite setbacks and failures. They see every challenge or setback as a lesson. This outlook has a dramatic impact on their ability to stick to their goals and to perform to the best of their abilities.  The TWO Key Ingredients to Becoming Unstoppable and Overcoming Obstacles that Are Holding You Back I believe that it all comes down to two things: (1) having well-anchored  why   (2) having a  growth mindset.  Having a Well-Anchored, Why? “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how” – Friedrich Nietzsche. According to Simon Sinek, author of the book  Find Your Why,  then  why  is the purpose, cause, or belief that drives every one of us.    Our why is that compelling reason that gives us the grit to keep going even when things are hard. When we have clarity about why we live an

4 Ways To Build A Strong Foundation For Your Business

  A fundamental truth about any construction is that it’ll have a better chance at lasting if it’s built on bedrock rather than sand. The same idea applies to any business — it has to have a solid foundation in order to survive. To make sure this is the case with your business, you have four pillars to strengthen right at the very start of building your business. 1. The Product The product is an important cornerstone you have to start with in your business foundation. Without it, there really is no business to talk about.   Figure out the ‘what,’ ‘who,’ and ‘how.’  What  product can you offer, and how will it stand out?  Who  are the people you think will be willing to pay for it?  How  can you effectively sell it to them? Answering these questions can build a strong pillar out of your product. Although it might seem simple, the whole process of coming up with a good product will take time and effort before you can reach the point of confidence to launch it. Continue reading    4 ways

The Importance Of An SEO SWOT Analysis For Existing Blog Posts: Keyword Centric

What is a SWOT Analysis?  A SWOT Analysis is an effective tool to develop a blogging strategy as well as an organizational method to ensure all boxes are checked. The main purpose of this analysis in terms of a blog post is to create a full scope of all factors affecting the On-Page SEO of the post.  Google image | source -  Chris Anderson Chris Anderson How are On-Page SEO and SWOT Analysis Related?   As a blogger, organic traffic is crucial to monetizing your blog. Without sufficient organic traffic, monetary goals will not be reached. On-page SEO is the practice of optimizing blog posts to reach higher rankings on SERP, thus leading to more traffic. So how can you apply a SWOT analysis to past blog posts? Find out how below.  Importance of On-Page SEO SWOT Analysis: A Breakdown  For the below examples, we will use a hypothetical blog post currently titled “Best Running Shoes.” The hypothetical keyword used is the Title, and we can assume that typical On-Page SEO practices were follo

Signs a girl wants you to notice her

Most of the ladies are shy in taking the initial steps; that doesn’t mean they don’t like you. All they want from you to notice the little signs they are making to know what are their real intentions. Through which you can figure out what you have to do. Down below, are some vital signs a woman shows to make a guy notice her. Google Image| Source -  Shruti Sood 1. Deep Eye Contact: Listen, women rarely make intense eye contact. And if they’re doing so, there must be two conditions a) indications for help b) showing you that we like you. You literally have two options to choose from. Depending on the situation, option two fits here well.  If a woman is staring at you, making prolonged eye contact, that’s a clear sign that she may be like you and trying to get your attention. Just try to smile back and see what happens.  2. Playing with their hair:  Well, it sounds a little lame and girly, but every other girl out there starts playing with their hair when they’re in front of a guy whom t

How to overcome morning laziness

As you are reading this article, “How to overcome morning lazziness” you must have gone through or going through those days when before you get out of bed, you tend to stay longer than usual in the bed—the time when you are actually neither sleep nor awake. While eyes are closed, the mind is having some conversations or trying to avoid some conversation and hence hiding behind things. All these inner conversations draw out the energy in the morning itself and set the bad start for the day. As per the “Sedona Method” book, this is one of those emotional states with the lowest energy. And you know it because most people in this state don’t feel like doing anything during this time. But before finding the solution, we need to understand and discover the our-root cause for this situation. Because morning laziness is the symptom, but root-cause could vary from person to person. Below mentioned are two major root causes of this problem, along with best practices to overcome that situation.

What Is The Mediterranean Diet Pyramid? Know The Health Benefits Of The Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean Diet (MD) is considered to be one of the healthiest dietary approaches. Thanks to a combination of foods rich mainly in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients. Most modern chronic diseases are driven by inflammation, and the MD is considered the anti-inflammatory diet of choice. Google image | Source - Mónica Ruiz-Noriega The term Mediterranean diet pyramid was coined by Ancel Keys in the 1960s, based on his observations of the eating habits and lifestyle of the people living near the Mediterranean Sea. He noticed specifically a reduced incidence of chronic diseases and improved longevity when compared to other regions of the world. The Mediterranean diet pyramid focuses, for the most part, on the local, fresh, whole, and nutrient-dense seasonal foods that maximize the content of protective nutrients and substances in the diet.  It is characterized by higher consumption of plant foods – grains/cereals (mostly whole), fruits, vegetables, legumes, tree nuts, seed

Why Online Reselling Is The Best Female-Oriented Businesses Idea

  Want to start buying and selling for profit? Here are 5 advantages of starting an online reseller business for women. This is the age of the woman entrepreneur, and earning from home is one of the best ways for women to achieve financial independence and create their own identity.  In this article, you’ll learn the benefits of becoming a work-from-home reseller with the best reseller sites and why it’s one of the best women oriented business work-at-home  Buying or selling goods over the internet is called e-commerce. When you become a reseller and start your reselling business online, you become part of the great e-commerce revolution that is changing the world.  You can start selling products online from home within a few days of joining the online reseller programs and completing the training they give you.  Many programs, run amazing partner programs, even give you live product training by executives from the companies whose products you are selling. They also offer promotions,

7 Home Workout Mistakes To Avoid

  Today, many people prefer to stay-at-home and giving themselves enough time to think about how they can work on themselves to make their overall health better.  Many have started to paint or sing or do whatever they wanted to learn. For some of us, spare time has opened up a possible chance to make progress towards better fitness and bodybuilding.   Undoubtedly, many already might be accustomed to those tasks and have started shifting their everyday workout to their home. Nevertheless, home workouts are the in-thing during hard times. Home workouts have been instrumental in helping to raise one’s fitness levels.  However, there are few hazards to consider that can be overlooked while working out at your home. Both beginners, as well as professional bodybuilders, are capable of making these hazards mistakes. The reason being of home workout mistakes is that the environment at home is very much different from the atmosphere at the gym in terms of equipment and feasibility.  For that r

Bring Your Culture Home Through Interior Design

You’re proud of your cultural background. Why not try to bring elements of it into your home as a celebration of your heritage? You need some planning and some search for pieces to create a unique environment that feels just like home, even though you’re a few thousand miles away. Adding cultural diversity to your interior design will help you feel connected to your roots and strengthen your family bonds.  Part of being in a community has cultural diversity within it. Use your ethnic heritage as an inspiration for your décor. This way, you can share your culture with your family and others.   If you have roommates from different backgrounds, you can incorporate parts of your individual cultures and create a unique design of different heritages. These design elements are a great way to pay tribute to the history that made your family today.  Your culture may be a mixture of your ancestors, or clearly defined. Maybe you personally identify with the culture from a place you’ve visited. I