How I Get Motivated In The Morning And Stay Motivated Throughout The Day

We all need the inspiration to keep going when things are tough and motivation to keep the consistency required to do the hard and necessary stuff in order to achieve our goals.

Here are the tips and practices below to help How I Get Motivated In The Morning, remain motivated and energetic throughout the day.

a) Gratitude 

Waking up grateful and full of thanks and praise to God Almighty, the giver of life, is the first step I take daily for motivation. No matter what kind of day I had the day before, I am always grateful for the opportunity and privilege of a new day. I consider the most important thing in my life to be my breath. I remind myself that I am alive and have life, and if I have that, I have everything else. It works. 

Rhonda Byrne, in her book ‘The Magic’, stated, “if you think a new day isn’t such a big deal, then just try missing one!”

The place of gratitude for motivation cannot be over-emphasized.

b) Moments

I believe life is a series of moments. Just as a great life is made of amazing moments, so does a great day start with an amazing morning.

I make my morning moments amazing by being aware of each moment.

Being in the moment helps me to keep it all together and not fret.

I constantly remind myself whenever my mood shifts that I am here, I am now; I am present, I am in the moment. The awareness of this makes me more grateful, keeps me calm, and helps me keep things in perspective. 

Being aware that all I really have in the real sense of it is the moment I am in now is remarkable, and it keeps me focused on making every moment count.

Read more about How to get motivated in the morning?


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