7 Habits Of Highly Confident People

 Habits are at the very foundation of all that we do. They began at a very early age, and some of them still exist today. Some we picked up from our parents, and some we have no idea where they came from or why we haven’t gotten rid of them.

But good or bad, habits are here to stay. Why not take control and utilize them effectively. Keep the ones that work and get rid of the ones that don’t. It can be as simple as that.

Now at the outset, I will clearly state that not all highly confident people have all 7 of these habits all the time. It is not necessary. And, just because you may not have all these habits now does not mean you can’t develop them. So grab your yardstick! 

Here we go!!

1. They don’t apologize

Yes, you read that, right! That is, they don’t apologize for who they are. Confident people embrace their authenticity. We all have different personalities, and that’s a good thing. The world would be such a boring place if every human being behaved exactly the same. The highly confident person is comfortable in his/her own skin. And they absolutely love themselves. But keep in mind confidence does not mean rude. It does not mean crude or boisterous. It is an inner strength that is available to all personality types without apology. Do not apologize for who you are. Embrace it with confidence. 

2. They thrive outside

Confidence drives you outside your comfort zone. It allows you to live life at a higher vibration. That’s why highly confident people are continually stretching themselves. They aren’t comfortable with the status quo. They don’t let fear hold them back. They are courageous because courage and confidence are closely connected. And it takes courage to live life on the confident side. As a highly confident person, I encourage you to thrive on the outside. 

3. They set healthy boundaries

Oftentimes people-pleasing can drive us to unhealthy boundaries. The desire to please those in our lives, coupled with the inability to say ‘no,’ does not indicate a highly confident person. Confident people say ‘yes’ and mean ‘yes.’ This applies equally to saying ‘no.’ And the confident person is not afraid to say ‘no.’ Highly confident people set and maintain healthy boundaries. This includes who they choose to spend time with and for how long. Some people you can spend days with and others only a few minutes. The highly confident person is well versed in a healthy boundary setting and decision-making.

Continue reading 7 Habits Of Highly Confident People


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