Stressed By Working From Home? 8 Things To Keep You Going All-Day

 Remote working isn’t a new concept, but it definitely is one that’s becoming more and more important every day. With new technologies and digital inventions happening every day, working from home is becoming easier. 

The innovations of WiFi, time tracking tools, collaboration tools have made it very flexible for remote employees working from across the world to connect and work.

Companies just need to enable their employees with laptops and connectivity systems to ensure a smooth internet connection. Organizations also integrate tools into their system, which can improve employees’ productivity and efficiency while working from home.

For the employer, too, remote working is a blessing in a lot of ways. It gives them access to hiring talent from across the globe at affordable rates. 

According to a survey by AND CO on remote working, 55% of the respondents said they work remotely 100% of the time.  

But working from home for long periods of time can affect both physical as well as mental well-being of a working professional. Physical changes in the form of weight gain, obesity visible. But the effect on mental health comes in the form of loneliness, anxiety, and even depression. 

A recent survey by Blind stated that 52.9 percent of respondents across Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, LinkedIn, and Walmart were facing loneliness during WFH.

Burnout is another recurring problem. Some employees feel they can’t manage their time working remotely. While in the office, there’s a fixed time to log off. But at home, work just keeps coming. This is again adding to their deteriorating physical and mental health. 

8 Ways How You Can Work From Home While Staying Healthy and Productive

Here’s how you can deal with the above-mentioned issues while staying physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy. 

1. Start Your Morning With a Routine 

Start your day with a routine, but be flexible with it. This means that start your day with how you would in a normal office day- a fixed time at which you will log in, set up your to-do list for the day, reply to emails, schedule calls for the day, and so on. This is a habit that you must follow in an order suitable for you. 

But do remember that you’re staying at home. Therefore, you might have to deal with sudden emergencies like cleaning the clogged toilet, changing your baby’s diapers, and so on. Therefore, set up your routine in such a way that you can move them around in your to-do list. Identify the tasks that are absolutely important and be flexible with the rest. 

2. Have various workspaces 

Many professionals say that having a dedicated workspace boosts their productivity. But if you’re like me, who gets tired of the same setting easily, it would be good to have various workspaces around your house. It can a designated table and chair, a couch in the living room, and so on. A change in setting can help freshen you up and might help you get better ideas for your task at hand. 

But, keep all the work areas clean, tidy, and hygienic. Clean and bright spaces have the power to automatically lift our energy and spirits. Therefore, dust and clean the areas regularly. 

3. Take Breaks in Between 

What would you do when you get tired of working at your workplace? You either go outside to get some fresh air, talk to your colleagues, check on your social media, and so on. A work from home setting shouldn’t change that. 

When you get tired from working continuously, pause for some time. You can also set up a fixed break time for you to have your food during this time and take a power nap. Talk to family members during these short breaks, watch videos on Youtube, etc. 

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