The Downside of Holding Grudges and How to Let Them Go

 Holding grudges and hatred for others is clearly not healthy for anyone.

The Art of Letting Go: Forgiveness

Luckily, we have the light of awareness and forgiveness, powered by love, available to us to actively resolve these issues. While going through this process of healing, it is advisable to remain compassionate toward our own emotions and experiences so that we do not sit in judgment of ourselves. However, we should not ignore our own pain in a rush to forgive and resolve these conflicts.

Letting go the Grudge with Meditation: It will help in healing.

In meditation, which can be defined as doing our spiritual work, we discover that we have a level of consciousness available to us that can be referred to as our Higher Self.

The benefit of letting go: can do wonders for human beings

The great thing about letting go of our hatred is that we remove their burden and start to feel the lightness of being while strengthening our connections with the people around us.

Take three gentle breaths.

Now think of someone you have a significant conflict with and the key reasons why you have a deep hatred for this person or what this person has done. Now take the hatred that you feel inside of you and mentally move it out about a foot in front of you. And, now breathe five gentle breaths into and out of this anger.


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