Top 9 Trends in New Age Tech Recruitment


What is one trend you are seeing in new-age tech recruiting?


To help you identify and appreciate current trends in new-age tech recruitment, we asked tech hiring managers, recruiters and business leaders this question for their best observations. From interest in neurodiverse talents to preference for online portfolios over resumes, there are several new-age recruiting trends that tech companies are adopting to attract and hire new talent for their organizations.


Here are nine trends in new-age tech recruitment these tech leaders are seeing and adopting:

  • Interest in Neurodiverse Talent
  • Sensitivity to Candidate Experience of the Recruiting Process
  • The Rise of Employer Branding
  • Increased Focus on Skills Over Experience
  • Use of Virtual Reality in Recruiting Talents
  • Social Media Recruiting
  • Offering Perks and Benefits to Lure Top Talents
  • Using Artificial Intelligence and Data Science to Screen Candidates
  • Preference for Online Portfolios over Resumes


Interest in Neurodiverse Talent


In the last couple of years, the need for talent diversification has been a major talking point in tech recruiting. While some big tech employers have made small changes in pushing their diversity goals forward, others have made significant strides. Aside from the typical diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts centered around racial and gender inclusion, diversity in tech recruitment now also involves tapping into neurodiverse talent. Neurodiverse candidates may fall under labels such as autistic, bipolar, dyslexic, ADHD, etc. In new-age recruiting, these neurological variations are seen as a plus for candidates who think differently or outside of the box. Despite their atypical thinking process, these candidates possess the skills and competencies needed to thrive in the tech industry. For example, autistic people demonstrate high levels of analytical thinking, while those with ADHD demonstrate strong problem-solving skills.

Joe Coletta, 180 Engineering


Sensitivity to Candidate Experience of the Recruiting Process


Candidates are now more vocal about the recruitment and hiring process. Companies have started to pay more attention to how they recruit. Some companies will now ask for feedback from job seekers they have interviewed. They have supplied candidates with surveys to express their thoughts and feelings on their experience. In addition, jobseekers are not afraid to speak out against the very impersonal recruiting process on social media. Candidates will also now do research on companies recruiting, interview, and hiring practices online before they apply for a role.

Liz Hogan, Find My Profession

The Rise of Employer Branding


In recent years, there’s been a tremendous shift in the way employers think about recruitment. Instead of looking at it as a one-time event, they now see it as an ongoing process that’s essential to their business success. This change in perspective has led to the rise of employer branding, which is defined as the process of promoting a company as an “employer of choice.” To build a strong employer brand, companies must first identify what makes them unique and what sets them apart from other employers in their industry. They must also create attractive and compelling job postings and career pages on their website. Furthermore, they need to engage in social media recruiting and actively promote their employer brand across all channels. Finally, they should create a positive candidate experience to ensure that everyone who applies for a job has a good experience, regardless of whether they ultimately get the job.

Danielle Bedford, Coople


Increased Focus on Skills Over Experience


One of the most notable trends in new-age tech recruiting is the increased focus on skills over experience. In the past, companies would often seek out applicants with a specific set of qualifications and a certain number of years of experience. However, the fast-paced nature of the tech industry has made this approach increasingly outdated. Instead, companies are now looking for candidates who have the right skillset and who are able to learn new technologies quickly. As a result, many recruiters are now using new tools and methods, such as online coding challenges and technical screening interviews, to identify top talent. This shift in focus has made it easier for talented individuals to break into the tech industry regardless of their prior experience.

Jim Campbell, Wizve – Digital & Affiliate Marketing Agency


Use of Virtual Reality in Recruiting Talents


More recruiters are using virtual reality in seeking out job candidates. Candidates participate in computer-generated scenarios where they interact with a 3-D environment. The benefit for recruiters is they can see how candidates react in situations rather than just asking them on an application or in onboarding how they would react. The benefits for the candidate are they get to experience the job and engage. Many companies look for specific VR results when they hire people. Others are using VR to train new hires in onboarding

Amruth Laxman, 4Voice




Social Media Recruiting


One trend I’ve noticed in new-age tech recruiting is a growing reliance on social media for recruiting. Messaging on LinkedIn is an obvious choice. However many recruiters have also leveraged platforms like TikTok and Instagram to reach wider audiences and appeal to potential talent, especially candidates in younger generations.

Kate Duske, Escape Room Data



Offering Perks and Benefits to Lure Top Talents


In today’s competitive job market, tech companies are increasingly trying to attract and retain employees by offering a wide range of perks and benefits. From free meals and on-site amenities to generous signing bonuses and flexible work hours, these companies are leaving no stone unturned in their quest to lure top talent. While a focus on attracting and retaining talent is nothing new, the intensity with which tech companies are currently pursuing this goal is unprecedented. In many cases, the perks and benefits offered far exceed those of non-tech businesses. This is largely due to the limited availability of top talent in the tech industry, with experienced employees who possess relevant skills being extremely hard to come by. As a result, tech companies have been trending towards increasingly irresistible perks and benefits. Expect to see this continue as demand for innovation grows, fueled by the fast-paced nature of the industry and rapid technological development.

Jake Munday, Custom Neon


Using Artificial Intelligence and Data Science to Screen Candidates


One trend I am seeing in new-age tech recruiting is the use of artificial intelligence and data science to screen candidates and make hiring decisions. There are several ways this is happening. For example, there are programs that can read through resumes and identify keywords that match what a company is looking for in a candidate. Other programs can analyze social media accounts and determine whether someone will be a good fit for a job based on what they have said or done online. I think this approach has potential but also comes with some risks. One risk is that it relies on data points that may not accurately reflect a person’s abilities or qualities as an employee. It’s easy for algorithms to get things wrong because they rely on historical information about past performance rather than an actual assessment of someone’s skills in real time. It’s also possible that AI tools could lead companies to hire people who don’t really fit into their culture.

Amer Hasovic, Love & Lavender


Preference for Online Portfolios over Resumes


We are starting to see a move away from the traditional resume when it comes to new-age tech recruiting. Instead, employers are looking for candidates who can showcase their skills and abilities through online portfolios and social media profiles. This allows candidates to better demonstrate their qualifications and skills, and it also allows employers to get a better sense of who the candidate is as a person.

Luciano Colos, PitchGrade

Source links - Top 9 Trends in New Age Tech Recruitment



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